- AFSA K-12
AFSA FFA Grades 7-12
Meeting Day and Time:
Meeting Location:
Participating Grades:
Varies *
For more information please contact Mr. Roessler or Ms. Wyatt.
*if it is a financial hardship to join a club or activity, please contact Becky Meyer to request a scholarship bmeyer@afsak12.com
FFA is a student run national organization. All AFSA students are automatically FFA members at the chapter, state, and national levels.
So what can you do with your membership? Coming later this month you will have an opportunity to be involved in the virtual National FFA Convention, where you will be able to be involved in sessions, workshops and different fun activities. Another popular student opportunity is competing in Career Development Events (CDE) and Leadership Development Events (LDE). CDEs and LDEs allow you to learn about almost anything agriculture related and compete against other FFA members based on your knowledge and skill (See CDE's and LDE's). Whether you are looking to build a resume, learn new skills, or just to try something new, FFA is the place for you!
Follow us @afsa_ffa on Instagram for more updates and fun!