• Greenhouse Room 132

    Greenhouse Management - 1 trimester

    Hello Agriculture Students and AFSA Families,

    Welcome to AFSA Distance Learning! I know this time is new to all of us but we will go through this together. 

    I will use Google Classroom for my class. Students should have received an email in their AFSA email with information on how they can add themselves to each class.

    Parents can also access Google Classroom to help monitor student assignments by sending a message to the teacher to be added to the class. The teacher will send an invitation to the parent’s preferred email address upon receiving this request.


    During the week, I will have daily office hours from 2-4 pm. I will be available by phone (612-405-0461) or through text messaging during the daily office hours. Students are also welcome to email me (hleiding@afsahighschool.com) or request a video conference through Zoom or Google Meets. This is a time to ask questions on assignments and class materias or just to check in. If my office hour time does not work for us to connect, we can work to find a different method for touching base.

    Materials will also be delivered from AFSA for hard-copy materials that students cannot access online and for students with limited access to technology. This may include lab materials, books, worksheets, or other hands-on materials. The day/time of your delivery will be scheduled by our transportation department.

    Even though students are not physically at school, they must demonstrate attendance. In order to be marked “Present” each day, students will check in with their advisor in the advisory Google Classroom. Their advisor will post a daily question that students must answer fully and appropriately to be counted as “Present” for that day. If the question is not answered fully and appropriately, the student will be marked “Absent”, and school staff will follow up with parents. For families without internet access, myself or advisors will call daily to check in during my office hours.

    My classes will include scheduled zoom meetings, weekly ID quizzes for our warm ups, hands on activities, use of google slides, google sheets and google docs. Students all have a composition notebook that we set up the first week of class that they can use for notes and activities during this time.

    Zoom meetings are meant for specific classes, but anyone can jump on during a time if their class time does not work for it. All of this information will be on each google classroom site.

    Here you will find a weekly schedule for Live Interactions. Students will receive an invitation to participate in live learning through Zoom or Google Meets. These invitations can be accessed through their email and links will be posted in Google Classroom. Each of these opportunities will be recorded and shared in Google Classroom.

    Zoom Meeting Schedule:


    Greenhouse Management: Tuesday: 11 am; Friday: 1 pm


    As we work together to adjust to this new method of learning, be sure to check your emails, log onto Google Classroom daily to see new materials for your classes and see daily questions, and reach out with questions!

    We all are here for you all. We will get through this together. 


    Ms. Haely Leiding 


    Teacher Contact Info:

    Google Voice number:(612-405-0461) or email: hleiding@afsahighschool.com