- AFSA K-12
- Yearly Forms and Fee
Annual Forms
Annual Activity Fee
The Annual Activity Fee is $25 per student. This covers student email accounts, student ID cards, locker use, PowerSchool access and FFA dues. Students will not receive their school ID unless this fee is paid.
If this fee presents a financial hardship for your family please contact our Executive Director, Becky Meyer, bmeyer@afsahighschool.com.
Please send forms and fee (if paying by cash or check) to:
AFSA High School
100 Vadnais Blvd.
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
Or email Kristina Barbour kbarbour@afsak12.com
AFSA Elementary
2925 Country Drive
Little Canada, MN 55117
Or email Lori Lane llane@afsak12.com