

Degrees and Certifications:

Elementary Education Middle School Mathematics Minor Special Education Minor

Ms. Hebig

This will be my first year as a teacher, so she I am excited to work with your children and learn and grow right along side all of them.  We will be learning a lot of knew things including how to navigate a brand new school. I am excited to meet all of my students and watch them grow throughout the year. We are going to have a lot of fun and go on a lot of adventures throughout the year. 

Students will come in every morning and we will gather together and have morning meeting to build a community in the classroom. I have some exciting things planned for our mornings, including Wednesday dance parties and Friday secret handshake day! We will also be building a reading house out of egg cartons that will be used for students to read in the classroom. Innovation time will be all about upcycling and creating out of recycled material, which will include making a hanging garden out of recycled plastic jugs. 

Science will be filled with tons of fun activites including journals, which will be done in nature. We will also be conducting tons of experiments and exploring ways to solve problems as we prep for the science fair. 

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Egg Cartons