- AFSA K-12
- Course Description
Earth Science
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Room 132 & 136
Exploring Physical & Earth Science – 3 trimesters
Trimester 1 –Scientific Processes and Procedures: This section is an introduction to the process of scientific thought. Experimental design, science as a process and the role of science in our history and future will be discussed. Students will work to complete an original science fair project.
- The Process of Science/Science Fair
- Climate & Weather
- Seasons
Trimester 2 – Physical Science: This section is an introduction to the physical sciences. Students will utilize scientific processes to explore the physical environment and natural phenomena.
- Matter
- Energy
- Rocks & Minerals
Trimester 3 –Earth Science: This section applies concepts of physical science to explain major processes of the earth and the universe.
- Water Systems
- Earth Structure
- Plate Tectonics
- The Solar System
Teacher Contact Info;
Email – rdomenichetti@afsahighschool.com Phone – 1-651-259-4973